Patrick Meier: Digital Humanitarians – The Book

In January 2014, I wrote this blog post announcing my intention to write a book on Digital Humanitarians. Well, it’s done! And launches this week. The book has already been endorsed by scholars at Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Oxford, etc; by practitioners at the United Nations, World Bank, Red Cross, USAID, DfID, etc; and by others including Twitter and National …

Review: Total Loss – A Collection of First-Hand Accounts of Yacht Losses at Sea

Jack Coote Revised by Paul Gelder 5 Stars Wake Up Call for Anyone Responsible for a Small Vessel and Its Souls This is a hugely important book that should be in any personal or organizational (e.g. sail training program) library. It is organized into the following parts: weather (and waves), faulty navigation (poor thinking), failure …

Robert Steele: Google — Deep Learning Shallow Baloney

I really am tired of the baloney surrounding Google, which calls itself an “artificial intelligence” company. There is no question that its computational mathematics are out of this world — they are also unregulated (the US Government is incompetent in this domain) and divorced from the humanities — people working for Google do not “compute” …

Arno Reuser: 27-29 JAN The Hague OSINT Pathfinder VII Training Program

ROBERT STEELE: Arnold Reuser is the undisputed master. He is one of a  tiny handful of people (Ran Hock, Babette Bensoussan are others) who actually know what they are doing and are also ethical in the deepest sense of the word. I cannot over-state his value. OSINT Pathfinder VII training programme Full three day training …