The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today

ARISE    We will be attending tour stops in several locations. For travelling and lodging arrangements at what time of day will the events start? BIRMINGHAM STOP       I was just wanting to know a specific venue and time for the Birmingham stop. BORDERS             If the military is really in charge why do they allow the criminal …

Mongoose : 40 States Will Ban Covid-19 Passports

Alert reader observers: Who’s in charge? That’s the key question as 40 States Creating Legislation to Ban Vaccine Passport Requirements. Fake Heath Certificates Complicate the Already Messy “Vax Pass” Idea ( The wing of freedom is slowly starting to blow again.  

Mongoose: Is NASA A Satanic Freemason Moneylaundering & Mind Control Bastion Serving the Deep State? The Apollo Hoax Revisted

Alert Reader sends us this: HOW THE CONSPIRACY THEORISTS LOST THE “APOLLO HOAX” DEBATE BY AT LEAST 30-NIL The conspiracy theorists claim that NASA landed twelve Freemasons on the “moon”, but they remain noticeably silent when asked to explain the following simple facts that all prove that THE CONSPIRACY THEORISTS ARE WRONG. Nowadays, even NASA …

Alexandra Bruce: Doctor Breaks Ranks From The Elite For Truth And Freedom

Doctor Breaks Ranks From The Elite For Truth And Freedom Until recently, Dr Christiane Northrup was a rock star of the Liberal media, with three New York Times Bestsellers, 10 appearances on Oprah! and numerous TV appearances on The Dr. Oz Show, Today, Rachel Ray Show, The View, 20/20 and eight PBS Specials, which raised millions of dollars for the network. She …

Bitchute Directory

To seach by keywords, use ctrl + F and type in the word you are looking for BitChute Link for Description, Embed Code, Full-Screen Viewing, & Sharing DATE TYPE SUBJECT VIDEO TITLE/ LINK 2021-04-28 Mirror Crimes Against Humanity Mirror: Juan O’Savin Update 2021-04-27 Mirror ARISE RIDE FOR THE USA — Trent Loos (Rides a Horse) …

The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today

ANNA VON REITZ      Can you comment on recent proclamation by Anna Von Reitz that the ingrained Territorial and Municipal governmental contractors have been let go and should vacate Washington DC? ADVERTISING        Is it possible to advertise the tour on OAN or Newsmax?