Robert Steele: 5G Pneumonia, Activated Nano-Bot Causing Blood Clots – COVID-19 / Coronavirus is Both a Fraud and a Crime Against Humanity

Pathologist found blood clots in ‘almost every organ’ during autopsies on COVID-19 patients I was the first to connect 5G to the fake pandemic (real virus, real deaths) in my mid-February article, Interview A Counterintelligence Perspective on the Wuhan Virus – A Zionist Bio-War False Flag Attack? I have known for years of nano-bots inserted …

Mongoose: Warning Notice – from Elephants to Squirrels, the Deep State Shitheads are Moving Toward Animal Epidemics — Second Wave Will Hit Animals in USA and Poor Everywhere Else….

Alert Readers send in elephant and squirrel stories. Elephants: What’s killing Botswana’s elephants? Here are the top theories. Squirrels: Squirrel in Colorado tests positive for the bubonic plague Phi Beta Iota: Robert Steele called for a counterintelligence strike force in his original assessment of the Wuhan virus as bio-engineered and Zionist in nature (not a …

James Fetzer: Rebecca Carnes on Sandy Hook Crime Family Structure — Malevolent Force Rules Newtown — Many Locations Across the USA?

“… A malevolent force has burrowed deep into Newtown, feeding off our good spirits like a parasite. It is especially dangerous to our most innocent – our children. What is unfolding in our town, our country and our world right now is not just a battle between truth and lies that make up our reality, …

State of the Nation: The Biden Deception – Is Kamela Harris Barack Obama in Double Drag? Or Is Joe Biden Donald Trump’s Fall Guy and the Two-Party Tyranny Rocks On?

THE BIDEN DECEPTION—Incredible But Likely True! KAMALA HARRIS: Deep State’s Secret Weapon Against Trump OPERATION CRAFTY BEAVER: Deep State attempts to start a race war before stealing the 2020 POTUS election Phi Beta Iota: Or Trump is controlling both sides of the ticket, and we are all being had.  Zionists Ubber Alles.