Review: The Arsonist – The Most Dangerous Man in America (James Otis 1760′s Catalyst for Liberty)

Nathan A. Allen Six Star Pre-History Ignored Until Now, July 17, 2011 This is a BARN-BURNER of a book! This book is a PhD dissertation that is being published quickly to aid the cause of liberty in 2012. The academic detail would normally make it a four-star read, but the relevance, the originality, and the …

Graphics Directory (List & Small Images)

Below the line….alpha list of all graphics [in English] with embedded links. For Spanish-language graphics see AA Lista de Graficas (1) and [in reverse order as posted] AA Espanol (55).  Updated 2 Aug 2013. Click on the Link Above the Image to Reach Full Size Image, Comments, & Source Link

Network Learning to Team/Autonomous Learning

Harold Jarche » Network Learning: Working Smarter At its core, network learning is a way to deal with an ever-increasing amount of digital information. It requires an open attitude toward learning and finding new things. Each worker needs to develop individualized processes of filing, classifying and annotating information for later retrieval. Source: Network Learning: …

Review: Planning with Complexity – An Introduction to Collaborative Rationality for Public Policy

Judith Innes, David Booher Excellent but Not Perfect, June 25, 2011 The authors claim to be addressing a new theory of collaborative rationality. The Native Americans called this “seventh generation thinking.” It is neither new nor rational alone, but rather holistic. I bought and read this book along with Democracy as Problem Solving: Civic Capacity …

Digital Currency for Environmental Sustainability

Ven: A Digital Currency Designed for Environmental Sustainability Hub Culture is a global collaboration network with over 25,000+ members distributed across 110 countries. Their stated mission to expand collective consciousness is driven by the blend of online workspaces for knowledge sharing with offline Pavilions for meeting and connecting – all powered by their digital currency, Ven. …