Cynthia McKinney: Media Contrived Fog of War

Coy’s article was edited; this is the edited version that appears in PolyMic. Media Fog of War Coy McKinney An embedded reporter snaps war footage. The U.S. military-industrial complex and media work together to propagate the agenda of government. NATO’s decision to intervene in Libya on humanitarian grounds has become an alarming and revealing assessment …

Post-Fukushima Infant Deaths in the Pacific Northwest

Each week, on a Friday, Alexander Cockburn publishes a weekly diary in the weekend edition of Counterpunch, which he co-edits with Jeffrey St. Claire.  Last week’s diary included a particularly important entry that expands on earlier CP essay analyzing the possibility of increased infant deaths in the western US resulting from the poisons spewed out …

Event: 26 Oct 2011 Assisi Italy Pope, Peace, & Prayer — 5th Inter-Faith Event Since 1986 — Terms of Reference…

UPDATED 26 October 2011 (Vatican focus on global financial reform / authority, need for ethics – avoids addressing secular corruption as we suggested in below letter sent January 2011) Penguin: Vatican Calls for World Government…Oopps Vatican, Ethics, & Truth I (Full Text Online for Google Translate) Vatican, Ethics, & Truth II (Full Text Online for …

Event: Free Online Birth 2012 Barbara Marx Hubbard

Calling all visionaries, evolutionaries, change leaders and heart-centered humans: This is your opportunity to give your highest gifts in creating a Planetary Birth Experience that can shift our consciousness and evolve our world. Join us for this historic event! You are invited to Activation Day – 21 months in advance of the day many luminaries …