Richard Wright: Petraeus A Political Execution – Bad for CIA – Vickers (or O’Sullivan, of the Clapper harem)?

The story line that General Petraeus is being forced to resign because the FBI uncovered an affair he was having with his former biographer is classic Washington DC theater. The story is a way of removing the politically popular General Petraeus from CIA without raising a political uproar. The real question is why? This is …

Search: 7 eras

At AA Graphics List (1)  find:  Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Eras At Google search < Max Manwaring source=phibetaiota > without brackets Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Dr. Col Max Manwaring, US Army Strategic Studies Institute See Especially: 2003 Manwaring (US) War & Conflict: Six Generations    

Patrick Meier: Innovation and the State of the Humanitarian System + RECAP

Innovation and the State of the Humanitarian System Published by ALNAP, the 2012 State of the Humanitarian System report is an important evaluation of the humanitarian community’s efforts over the past two years. “I commend this report to all those responsible for planning and delivering life saving aid around the world,” writes UN Under-Secretary General Valerie …

DefDog: NYT Labels Karzai “Volatile” Instead of USA ???

Interesting headline…..why is it that we place the blame on others (Karzai more volatile) when we (the US) completely ignores him and runs roughshod over his country? That would make anyone “volatile”. This is how the world sees us, it is all about integrity….something the government lacks in spades. Gulf Widens Between U.S. and a …

Berto Jongman: Reference (Literature Review) on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)

PDF 105 pages Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Literature Review Minerva Nasser-Eddine, Bridget Garnham, Katerina Agostino, Gilbert Caluya Counter Terrorism and Security Technology Centre, Defense Science and Technology Organisation, Department of Defence, Australian Government Phi Beta Iota:  Few seem to be able to focus on the foundation of terrorism: illegitimate governance and socio-economic repression.  Few seem …

Event: 20 Mar 1200-1330 Religion, Terror, and Error – U.S. Foreign Policy and the Challenge of Spiritual Engagement, by Dr. Douglas M. Johnston

Religion, Terror, and Error: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Challenge of Spiritual Engagement, by Dr. Douglas M. Johnston, president and founder, International Center for Religion and Diplomacy Date & Time: Tuesday, March 20th, 2012 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. How should the United States deal with the jihadist challenge and other religious imperatives that permeate today’s …