Reflections on Tired Databases versus Wired Analytics + Jack Davis & Analytic Tradecraft RECAP

There are multiple analytic flaws with most source data, and particularly with any source data labeled in relation to terrorism. If Israelis have have touched the data in any way, shape, or form (especially including the software), it must be considered contaminated and severely suspect.  While I have nothing critical to say about the application …

NIGHTWATCH: US Ambassador in Egypt at Risk

Egypt.  Extract: Generally, the Arab monarchies support the new Egyptian government. Elected Muslim governments, including Iran and Malaysia, are hostile. Indonesia, a secular government in a Muslim country, is supportive. What is curious is the hostility or ambivalence of mainstream news outlets and the stated opposition of most Western governments. Attitudes towards the US are …

REVEALED: The True Story of Dr. Dr. Dave Warner and the Synergy Strike Force

The Merry Pranksters Who Hacked the Afghan War It was a dark time in a long, drawn-out war. Afghanistan was festering with resentment. The Pentagon brass were desperate. It was the kind of last-ditch moment when authorities start throwing an era’s weirdest ideas at its most hopeless bureaucratic mistakes. (ILLUSTRATIONS: GRAHAM SMITH) By Brian Calvert …

Mini-Me: Smart Young People See Government as Corrupt and Ineffective — World On the Edge of a Sweeping Revolution

Huh? Global protest grows as citizens lose faith in politics and the state The myriad protests from Istanbul to São Paulo have one thing in common – growing dissent among the young, educated and better-off protesting against the very system that once enriched them. And therein lies the danger for governments Peter Beaumont The Observer, …

Mini-Me: Murder of 9/11 Author & Former Pilot — and Kids, and Dog

Author works on new 9/11 book, winds up dead in the desert Open Salon, 27 February 2013 The author of a recent book that questions the official story of 9/11 was found dead earlier this month–along with his teen-age son and daughter and the family dog–at their home in the desert community of Murphys, California. …

DefDog: Was Petraus Bombed By a Zionist Bimbo Honey Trap? + Broadwell RECAP

The article reads as if JSOG and CIA were having a fight and JSOG wanted Petraeus gone.  That is not consistent with other reports that suggest that JSOG is not happy with CIA at the operational and analytic levels, and it also does not fully address the much higher probability that Broadwell, who is Jewish, …

Mongoose: Is General Patraeus Slated for “Suiciding?” + Meta-RECAP on No Rule of Law in USA

If General Patraeus appears to commit suicide anytime soon, it will not have been suicide and the White House and the Department of Justice and the FBI will cover up the murder.   Since the dual chain of command got away with the murder of JFK, the impunity with which they are willing to murder American …