Review: Rationalizations for Women Who Do Too Much While Running With the Wolves

Allison McCune (Author), Tomye B. Spears (Author) Pioneering Book by Personable Authors, May 26, 2011 I was shocked to see the scorching negative comment on this book. I met one of the authors tonight at a Microsoft job fair, she is one of their Human Relations recruiters (probably has a broader portfolio than that), and …

Review: Cosmic Weather Report — Notes from the Edge of the Universe

Mark Borax and Ellias Lonsdale Phenomenal Starting Point for Anyone Opening Up, May 24, 2011 Disclosure: I bought this book because I am negotiating a contract with the publisher for a book in their new Manifesto series (tentative title: Manifesto for Truth–Public Intelligence in the Public Interest). I wanted to get a “sense” of where …

Review: The World Sensorium — The Social Embryology of World Federation 1946

Oliver L. Reiser A Gem–Easy to Read, A Foundation Book for World Brain and Global Game, May 22, 2011 I bought this book on a whim, sensing that despite its 1946 publication date it might be inspirational and I have been *very* glad to go through this. It was a half-century ahead of its time. …

Review (Guest): Up from Eden–A Transpersonal View of Human Evolution

Ken Wilber Phi Beta Iota: Harrison Owen considers this one of Ken Wilber’s most important contributions to humanity. 5.0 out of 5 stars The Painful History of Mankind- and a way Beyond…, July 12, 2002 By Nicq MacDonald (Sioux Falls, SD United States) After the success of his initial works (The Spectrum of Consciousness and …

Review (Guest): No Boundary–Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth

Ken Wilber Editorial Reviews “Ken Wilber is one of the most important pioneers in the field of consciousness in this century.”—Deepak Chopra “The most sensible, comprehensive book on consciousness since William James.”—Dr. James Fadiman, President, Association for Transpersonal Psychology “No Boundary does for this generation what Alan Watts’ writings did for an earlier one. It …

Advanced Cyber/IO: Knowledge Integration

Phi Beta Iota: It has become evident that this integrative post is needed.  It should be obvious–but evidently it is not–that both Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2) are inherently integrating by nature.  Both are the anti-thesis to “Rule by Secrecy” and the Weberian concept of stove-piped …