EUCOM Week in Review Ending 9 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: Central banks of Belarus and Lithuania sign cooperation agreement 09/07/09 AA: Ex-Siemens Manager’s Extradition to Greece Blocked 09/04/09 AA: France takes over Nato post 09/09/09 AA: Georgian journalist requests asylum in South Ossetia 09/04/09 GE: Georgia to free jailed Turkish sea captain: official 09/08/09 IL: Israel must live up to its commitment …

Who’s Who in Librarian Intelligence: Arno Reuser

Arno Reuser is one of the handful of multinational kindred spirits who created the international Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) movement that kicked off in 1992 and is now morphing into Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2). When InterNET is InterNOT (2008) Virtual Open Source Agency (2006) Librarian Tradecraft (2003)

Journal: EarthGame–What DoD & NATO Want, What Can Be Done Faster, Better, Cheaper

Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale Mark Baard 23rd June 2007 Perhaps your real life is so rich you don’t have time for another. Even so, the US Department of Defense (DOD) may already be creating a copy of you in an alternate reality to see how long you can go without food …