Journal: Our Road to Oceania By Victor Davis Hanson

In George Orwell’s allegorical novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” the picture of “Big Brother” appears constantly in the adoring media. Perceived enemies are everywhere – supposedly plotting to undo the benevolent egalitarianism of Big Brother. Citizens assemble each morning to scream hatred for two minutes at pictures of the supposed public traitor Emmanuel Goldstein. The “Ministry of …

Journal: Real-Time Everything–the Government is 20 Years Out of Date and May be Sinking Fast. Action is Needed NOW.

Changes to the Earth that used to take 10,000 years now take three years.  This has led to a very strong interest in “real-time science.”  At the same time, as the information society matures, we are seeing demands for government information (paid for by the taxpayer) to be made available in real-time.  Census results that …