Journal: Haiti–Ready for a Rapid-Response Open-Source-Intelligence-Driven Inter-Agency Multinational Multifunctional Stabilization & Reconstruction Mission…

AP: Injured Haitians plead for help after quake Haitians piled bodies along the devastated streets of their capital Wednesday after the strongest earthquake hit the poor Caribbean nation in more than 200 years crushed thousands of structures, from humble shacks to the National Palace and the U.N. peacekeeping headquarters. Untold numbers were still trapped. Destroyed …

Reference: Retired CIA officer–Fix the Agency

CNN Editor’s note: Charles S. Faddis is a retired CIA operations officer and the former head of the CIA’s unit focused on fighting terrorism involving weapons of mass destruction. The author of a recently published book about the CIA, “Beyond Repair,” Faddis is also president of Orion Strategic Services, a Maryland-based consulting firm. Phi Beta …

Journal: What Al Qaeda Et Al Can and Cannot Do

The Meaning Of Al Qaeda’s Double Agent:  The jihadists are showing impressive counterintelligence ability that the CIA seems to have underestimated. Wall Street Journal Reuel Marc Gerecht January 8, 2010  [safety copy of entire piece below the fold] Amid the Hysteria, A Look at What al-Qaeda Can’t Do TIME Magazine By Peter Beinart Monday, Jan. 18, …

Event: 20-22 April 2010 Bolivia WORLD CONFERENCE ON CLIMATE CHANGE

Bolivia: Invitation to the Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth’s Rights Conference Home Page See also: Bolivia proposes world conference on climate change (Xinhua) Due to the the failure of the 15th Summit on Climate Change Bolivia to organize a climate change conference in 2010 (Argentina) De Brún: Copenhagen failure puts onus …

Journal: Ivory Tower Musings on Intelligence-Sharing

Why intelligence-sharing can’t always make us safer By Jennifer Sims and Bob Gallucci Friday, January 8, 2010; A19 Phi Beta Iota: This Op-Ed is stunningly irrelevant to the problem at hand: a secret intelligence community that over-emphasizes cash inputs and secret remote collection, and simultaneously fails to exploit machine-speed all-source geospatially and time tagged processing, …

Review: World Out of Balance–International Relations and the Challenge of American Primacy

Erudite, Itself Out of Balance, Secoond Tier Reading January 8, 2010 Stephen Brooks and William Wohlforth This is one of three books I bought to reflect on the same generic topic, the other two are Power & Responsibility: Building International Order in an Era of Transnational Threat and To Lead the World: American Strategy after …