Journal: ClimateGate Carbon Trade Fraud

Has anyone seen this man? Obama, Maurice Strong, Al Gore key players cashing in on Chicago Climate Exchange The Multi-Billion Trade in Carbon Derivatives, Copenhagen’s Hidden Agenda As I have previously shown, speculative derivatives (especially credit default swaps) are a primary cause of the economic crisis.   And I have pointed out that (1) the giant banks …

Journal: Weak Signals–Obama’s Czars

Byrd Calls Obama’s Czars Dangerous Byrd: Gives President too much power…. Obama’s Czars Breed Chain-of-Command Confusion Bloomberg: Placing them above Cabinet…. Glenn Beck’s List of Obama’s Czars 32 of them, most professional listing with most detail Free Market Mojo Who are Obama’s czars? 27 of them, hot links from each name to more information Politico’s List …

Journal: Brazil Whacks US via WTO on Cotton

Brazil Wins WTO Approval to Sanction U.S. Over Cotton (Update2) Nov. 19 (Bloomberg) — Brazil won the World Trade Organization’s approval to start retaliating against the U.S. because of subsidies paid to American cotton farmers. The WTO gave Brazil permission in August to impose $294.7 million in sanctions against U.S. goods — the second-highest amount …