ITNJ Judicial Commission on Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse (Pedophilia) Reflections on Child Sex Offender Ritual Holidays, & Videos

The Child Sex Offender (CSO) “holidays” when the most children are tortured and sometimes murdered revolve around the pagan calendar with the biggest being Easter, then winter solstice and summer solstice, and the full moons and black moons for smaller ceremonies.  The dates  change every year according to the moon’s own cycle.  The children’s birthdays …

ITNJ Judicial Commission on Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse (Pedophilia): Reflections on 8M Children a Year, Many Dead within 2 Years

8 million children a year — 22,000 a day — is a provisional number. Death within two years of entering the system is a provisional assumption. What this really means is that the greatest on-going genocide on Earth — running for centuries, is that against children… From a Commissioner with direct experience interviewing both survivors …