Owl: Between April and June 2012 more Americans were added to the food stamp program than found jobs…

Between April and June 2012 more Americans were added to the food stamp program than found jobs. An alarming data point from the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee: More Americans are being added to food stamps than are finding jobs. The data is detailed in this chart, provided by the committee: As the …

David Isenberg: Intelligence On Demand in a Mobile Device – Hardy Har Har Choke Cough Gag with Comments by Robert Steele & RIchard Wright

INTEL-ON-DEMAND IN A WEB 2.0 WORLD IntelNews / by Timothy W Coleman Aug 21 2012 ► Aug 11. In the United States, the President’s Daily Brief (PDB), “the highest-level intelligence analysis targeted at the key national security issues and concerns of the President”, is increasingly going digital. For that matter, so is much of the …

David Isenberg: Private Military Contractors (PMC) – A Stake in the Heart of DoD and USG

  Negative Views of Civilian and Private Security Contractors Concerns over their cost effectiveness and strategic value make the deployment of PMSCs a risky proposition. More worryingly, argues David Isenberg, is that they may permit governments to circumnavigate democratic debates over the necessity of sending armed forces into battle. By David Isenberg for the ISN …

Former Comptroller General David Walker, Wall Street Trojan Horse, Rides Again – The Bus Tour to Distract the Public From Electoral Reform

UPDATED 8 August 2012 with comments from Common Cause, others. Buyer Beware – A New York Shill Takes to the Highway The Hon. David M. Walker, former U.S. Comptroller General, today announced a first-of-its-kind national bus tour to engage Americans about our nation’s deteriorating financial condition ­ and show them what they can do to …

20120803 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything TWITTER HASH: #openall DAILY HIGHLIGHTS: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-ALL THE LIST:  http://tinyurl.com/OSE-LIST ROOT POST: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-ROOT THE BOOK: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-PAPER THE AUTHOR: http://tinyurl.com/Steele2012 TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS:  All Opens Below Line  Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, DIY, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost