Penguin: CIA Cloud 2.0 — Right After Robert Steele Says Web 3.0 Will Be Cloud Free

CIA Awards Secret Multibillion-Dollar Cloud Contract The Central Intelligence Agency has awarded its long-awaited Commercial Cloud Enterprise, or C2E, contract to five companies—Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Google, Oracle and IBM. Phi Beta Iota: This is amusing in part because Robert David Steele, in his preliminary announcements about Web 3.0, has been saying that it will …

Mongoose: COVID-19 As Gateway to the Planned New World Order — You Have No Rights. Wear the Mask and Be Still.

Tip of the Hat to Ray Songtree.  We Are Being Played. Please Read. NOTICE HOW COVID LINKS TO EVERY SINGLE WHEEL. THAT IS BECAUSE COVID IS THE GATEWAY TO THIS NEW WORLD ORDER. “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will …

Mongoose: #GoogleGestapo Direct Testimony on Google Perfidy (Zach Vorhies)

NOTE: The source is sporadically blicked and often at risk to total deplatforming. Below the fold is a partial backup copy of testimony.  Good news: Google/Yahoo may have accepted Trump threat/offer and are now playing straight.  This remains to be proven over time. We’re in a Full-Blown War Zach Vorhies on Partial copy below …