Robert Steele: Barack Obama — and TIME and CNN and the NYT — are Lying to the Public About Electoral Fraud

I cannot stand by while the President of the United States (and his surrogates including the Director of National Intelligence) lie to the public about electoral fraud. As the foremost proponent for integrated electoral reform in the United States of America, I will state categorically that electoral fraud is absolutely likely in the general election …

Amazon Kindle: DEPLORABLES RISING! Trump Can Win with a Debt Jubilee and Electoral Reform (Trump Revolution Book 03)

Billy Bush provided the decade-old illicit audio of Donald Trump to the Bush Crime Family, and they provided it to the Clinton Crime Family. There will be more such revelations as the cabal makes its final push to destroy the one serious challenger to the reptilian cabal led by the Rothschilds and controlling both the …

Robert Steele: DHS and DNI Statement on Russia and Electronic Electoral Machine Hacking Has Errors of Fact — Did White House Write This to Help Hillary Clinton? UPDATE 1: FBI Refused To Sign This False Flag Propaganda

UPDATE 1: FBI’s James Comey Opposed Naming Russia As An Election Meddler, Source Confirms The Joint Statement from the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security, contains errors of fact. The USIC and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) assess that it would be extremely difficult for …

Did Clinton Have a Stroke? Will Biden Replace Her? Game Plan for Biden Winning by Championing Reform & Engaging Main Street

UPDATE: Former DNC chairman calls for Clinton contingency plan (Politico) UPDATE: Will Hillary Clinton Drop Out? How Joe Biden Could Become The Next Democratic President (International Business Times) Phi Beta Iota: The media could not be more worthless. Clinton is not suffering from pneumonia, all video and historical evidence points to a severe stroke, rapid …

Robert Steele: Could Gary Johnson Actually Win? UPDATE 2

SHORT URL: DOC (9 Pages): Could Gary Johnson Actually Win? UPDATE 2: Libertarians are their own worst enemy. Why a Coalition Cabinet is essential and why Gary Johnson should create one and challenge Clinton and Trump to Cabinet-level debates. See Afterthought at end of this post.