Owl: False Flag Red Alert – Hillary Clinton Panics – Potential for Murders Intended to Frame Donald Trump and Twist Narrative with CNN Complicity

FALSE FLAG RED ALERT: Media plotting with Clinton operatives to gun down democrats and blame it on Trump My widely-shared article predicting leftists bombings of government buildings was published several days before the GOP headquarters in North Carolina was firebombed by violent leftists. In my original story entitled VOTERS WARNED: You’ve already lost America… this …

Kevin Barrett: Are False Flags Becoming More Frequent? Dallas, Baton Rouge, Nice, and Munich

Are False Flags Becoming More Frequent? Dallas, Baton Rouge, Nice, and Munich Epilogue to The Orlando False Flag: Clash of Histories “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public …

Berto Jongman: CIA Case Officer on ISIS & Terrorism as Fraudulent Stories Designed to Foster War for Profit

CIA Agent: U.S. Government Feed Fake 9/11, ISIS Stories To Media She offers a comment on terrorism rhetoric which really stood out for me: “Those are stories manufactured by a really small number of people on both side that amass a great deal of power and wealth by convincing the rest of us to keep …