Theophillis Goodyear: Internet, Undersea Cables, Africa, and Digital Remittances

Internet access has become a vital public interest. Cutting it off is almost like cutting off our air.  I can’t imagine mankind transcending all of the challenges we’re facing without the internet. It’s gone beyond being a luxury to being an absolute necessity for positive social transformation. Epic net outage in Africa as FOUR undersea …

Theophillis Goodyear: 1% Continue to Press for Billion Dollar Stadium at Taxpayer Expense, in Minnesota

According to the following article, this is the fifth time that the Minnesota Vikings have tried to shove a new $1 billion stadium down the throats of Minnesota taxpayers. Minnesota Vikings Stadium Plan: Saddle Taxpayers With $1 Billion Field Ron Dicker Huffington Post, 7 February 2012 EXTRACT: A fifth plan for a $1 billion stadium …