Theophillis Goodyear: Vandalism is Violence – Occupy Must REJECT

I just heard about what happened in Oakland. Rather than threatening lawsuits against the police, the OWS movement should use this moment to make a public appeal to protestors and say that destruction of any kind will not be tolerated by the OWS movement. For Gandhi, even unduly embarrassing the opponent was considered counter-productive. And …

Theophillis Goodyear: Role of the Internet After the Crash

After the world economy crashes there’s bound to be a lot of cvil unrest. Obviously the internet can be used to organize civil unrest, which will make authorities want to control it, perhaps even eliminate it. But after the crash, the most pressing problem will be organizing the basic necessities of life, like water, food, …

Theophillis Goodyear: Conceptual Road Blocks to Common Sense

Conceptual Road Blocks to Common Sense Two major economic problems have been: 1. Unemployment, 2. the Housing Bubble and resulting financial crisis. But there were two ways of reducing the damage of both crises that no one seemed to think of because of conceptual road blocks to that way of thinking. Some people have been …