Veterans Today: Donald Trump’s “Israel First” Foreign Policy

Listening to Trump’s speeches emphasizing his “America first” policy I could not help but be reminded of the Nazi slogan “Deutschland über alles.” Germany above all. Yet later, it became obvious to many that Trump’s “American first” policy is actually “Israel first” policy on the expense of American tax payers, and breaking many international laws. …

Zero Hedge: US Retailers With $1.5 Trillion In Sales Demand An Antitrust Probe Of Amazon And Google #GoogleGestapo

US Retailers With $1.5 Trillion In Sales Demand An Antitrust Probe Of Amazon And Google The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA), whose members include Best Buy, Walmart and Target, demands an investigation whether Silicon Valley’s most prominent companies [Amazon and Google] are manipulating search results that disadvantage traditional retailers. RILA is expected to present its …

SPECIAL: #GoogleGestapo Facebook Rigged Netanyahu’s Election — Dry Run for 2020 Knockdown of Donald Trump?

Facebook would soon collapse on Wall Street. This is the story behind its imminent fall Itai Leshem @ Medium This is not fiction I’ve exposed, detailed and documented beyond any reasonable doubt for the benefit of our law enforcement agencies what I’m certain is a massive and illegal election bribe between Facebook and Netanyahu which …