Ed Jewett: Whitney Webb in Unz Review on CIA, Epstein, Cohn, Trump, and the Red Mafiya (Russia, Israel, US Criminal Network that Buys and Sells and Murders Presidents)

From “Spook Air” to the “Lolita Express”: the Genesis and Evolution of the Jeffrey Epstein-Bill Clinton Relationship In this four-part series, “The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal: Too Big to Fail,” MintPress has revealed that Epstein’s activities — a sexual blackmail operation involving minors and connected to intelligence agencies — was one of many such operations that …

Pepe Escobar: Russia Won, US Lost, Deal With It

You Say You Want a (Russian) Revolution? His key takeway: “There is no parity between Russia and the United States in such fields as air-defense, hypersonic weapons and, in general, missile development, to name just a few fields – the United States lags behind in these fields, not just in years but in generations [italics mine].”