Caitlin Johnstone: Twitter Discloses True Cost of War with First-Person Veteran Tales of Gut-Wrenching Truth About Wounds and Veteran Administration Treason

The US Army Asked Twitter How Service Has Impacted People. The Answers Were Gut-Wrenching. After posting a video of a young recruit talking to the camera about how service allows him to better himself “as a man and a warrior”, the US Army tweeted, “How has serving impacted you?” As of this writing, the post …

Yoda: Elan Carr Joins Eliot Abram as Uber Zionist in Charge of US Foreign Policy — Idiocy and Treason Rule at US Department of State

This will not end well for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, or for the Zionists.  Their Day of Atonement approaches. Alert Reader comments: Dixit Pompeo and Elan Carr, in this Brother Nathaniel latest Youtube, “Mystery Babylon In Swift Key.”  What’s in store for anyone uttering any anti-Zionism word is… well… as good as death.  Just …

Berto Jongman: Treason Most Foul – National Review

The long full story of treason most foul by Clintons, Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, the US Secret Intelligence Community, and the British Government. The Real Collusion Story Phi Beta Iota: Twitter is reported to be deleting all tweets as they are being written that contain the word “treason.”  This is an indicator …

Mike Adams: President Trump can end Big Tech’s treasonous censorship with a single signature… here’s how

President Trump can end Big Tech’s treasonous censorship with a single signature… here’s how There is a simple, powerful way that President Trump can end Big Tech’s evil censorship with a single signature. It requires no act of Congress, no regulatory action and no criminal prosecution (although, at this point, it seems that criminally prosecuting …