Zero Hedge: Has Donald Trump Lost His Mind on 5G? Or Is He Simply Surrounded by Ignorant Treasonous Assholes?

Trump: “I Want 5G, Or Even 6G, Tech In The US As Soon As Possible” Dr. Winston O’Boogie comments: 5g is a surveillance and population control/depopulation grid. 5g was made in Israel but they are not installing 5g in their country. Mar-A-Lago is exempt from 5g also –

Mongoose: US Senate’s First Bill (S. 1) Treason? — Has Israel Bribed & Blackmailed Our Senators, Starting with “Foam Boy” Marco Rubio, to Make Freedom of Speech a Felony? UPDATE 2

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in Midst of Shutdown, is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government from Boycotts S.1 will be a compendium containing a handful of foreign-policy related measures, a main one of which is a provision, with Florida’s GOP Sen. Marco Rubio as a lead sponsor, to defend the Israeli government. The bill is a top legislative priority for AIPAC. …

Owl: Presidential Treason Alert – US Department of State

Following seems worthy of Presidential attention.  I have no direct knowledge so I offer it up verbatim for public consideration. State Of The State Department Word from a well-traveled and well-connected derring-doer is that the State Department is manned, floor to rafters, with hardcore globalist shitlibs who hate Trump and commit low to high level sedition …