Stephen E. Arnold: How Are Those Cyber Security Vendors Performing?

How Are Those Cyber Security Vendors Performing? This sounds like old news. This is really new news. The trust outfit Thomson Reuters published “U.S. Government Probes VPN Hack within Federal Agencies, Races to Find Clues.” The main idea is that despite the amped up cyber security efforts, another somewhat minor issue has been discovered. The …

Stephen E. Arnold: SolarWinds Misstep — Who Else Went Off the Cliff?

The SolarWinds Misstep: Who Else Walked Off the Cliff? “Hack Said to Extend Beyond SolarWinds” is a troubling “real” news story. The idea that bad actors may have gained access to commercial and government servers for more than a year was troubling. According to the write up, the data breach has another dimension: Close to …

Stephen E. Arnold: SolarWinds Cyber-Security Bugs Proliferating?

Does This Mean Bad Actors Are Now Riding in 10,000 SolarWinds Powered Digital Sailboats? I read “Hackers Breaking into Networks without SolarWinds, CISA Says.” The write up states that the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency offered: “Specifically, we are investigating incidents in which activity indicating abuse of Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) tokens consistent with …

DefDog: Attack on Parler a Criminal Conspiracy? UPDATE

Sure looks like a Deep State conspiracy. k33p !7 m0v!n@bitburner PARLER GOT FUCKING OWNED BAD…and I mean BAD This group of Internet Warriors then used that account, to create a handful of other ADMINISTRATION accounts, and then created a script that ended up creating MILLIONS of fake administration accounts.”   Source & related images of text