Wayne Jett: Project Insignia Reveals Deep State Trillions

INSIGNIA PROJECT REVEALS DEEP STATE TRILLIONS Currency Amounts Beyond Comprehension Project Insignia, described as an investigation into Deep State cocaine trafficking, made a gigantic data dump of its findings on or about August 24, 2018. Information and documents are so voluminous as to defy concise description, but a start must be made. Operatives working behind …

Wayne Jett: Trump Can Save Capitalism By Ending Federal Reserve and Mercantilism (Throw in a Balanced Budget and a Gold-Backed Dollar For Best Results)

RETURN TO CAPITALISM End the Fed and TBTF Banks …capitalism lost much of its role in America when the global ruling elite got their privately owned Federal Reserve in 1913 and imposed the Great Depression beginning in October, 1929. Since then, mercantilism has ruled economic affairs in the U. S. and the world. But now, …

Wayne Jett: 11 June Day of Cabal Atonement – A New World Borning? Has Julian Assange Been Rescued?

NEW WORLD BORNING Infant Justice Arrives June 11, 2018 Four booms and we take their money.  Possibly good news for Julian Assange.  Read full post. Phi Beta Iota: Wayne Jett is the author of the most extraordinary book The Fruits of Graft, which documents how the Great Depressions was contrived by Wall Street with malice …

Mongoose: The Khazarian Debt Scam Explained

The Khazarian Debt Scam The Chinese move against the petrodollar should not be mistaken as a move against the United States, though. It is really a move against the 700 or so top Khazarian Mafiosi who have used their control of the petrodollar as part of their plan to enslave humanity.