The Cyber Racket

In the fall of 2010, CACI of Arlington, a major player in the U.S. government’s cyber security business, held a symposium entitled “Cyber Threats to National Security,” in partnership with the U.S. Naval Institute to discuss the issue of Cyber Security. CACI is chasing roughly $2 billion worth of cyber-related contracts over the next few …

Review: Prophets of War–Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex

William Hartung Final Review: Boring, Limited, Not for General Audience January 3, 2011 After reading this book, which I found to be extremely boring, I have to give Pierre Sprey very high marks for his substantive contributions to the C-SPAN Book interview of the author. My summary of that interview is therefore an important part …

Journal: Palantir, Flush with Cash, Sued for Industrial Espionage and Racketeering

Snapshot of the Case with Links Palantir according to Palantir: How Team of Geeks Cracked Spy Trade Palantir: The Next Billion-Dollar Company Raises $90 Million Hysterical.   Silicon Valley fell for a front job.  Too much money, not enough due diligence. The Fit or Fat Startup Nails it.  Limited technology, rotten user interface, dumb current audience will not …

Review: Searching for Everardo–A Story of Love, War, and the CIA in Guatemala

6 Star Epic–Genocide, CIA Complicity, & Indigenous Honor July 27, 2010 Jennifer K. Harbury This is one of multiple books by this author, and a huge bargain as a used book–I got the used hardcopy. This book is a book-end to Secret History: The CIA’s Classified Account of Its Operations in Guatemala, 1952-1954. The author …

Review: Grand Theft Pentagon–Tales of Corruption and Profiteering in the War on Terror

Chapter and Verse But No Footnotes–a Cornerstone Read   June 17, 2010 Jeffrey St. Clair I come late to this book, published in 2005 and consisting of well-organized Op-Eds published in CounterPunch from 2000-2005. My review is primarily for my own benefit (my notes) and those who follow my reviews of non-fiction at Phi Beta …

Review: Edward Lansdale’s Cold War (Culture, Politics, and the Cold War) (Paperback)

Highly Recommended by James Gibney December 26, 2009 Jonathan Nashel James Gibney, one of my most respected sources for common- sense and integrity, posted a review of this book on 15 January 2006 in the New York Times. At Phi Beta Iota, the Public Intelligence Blog, I have posted that three-page review along with some …