Worth a Look: YouTube on Awakening & Truth

A few trending items that run counter to the establishment predeliction to continue doing the wrong things. All very short. What is Truth?   …  The Four Global Truths: An Introduction Spiritual Awakening – Which is the world you are living?   …   AWAKENING Consciousness: Mind Over Matter   …   Experiments in Consciousness Toward Integral Consciousness

Michel Bauwens: Israel Uses Facebook to Identify and then Block Incoming Protesters from Europe

Israel used Facebook to stop European pro-Palestine activists IntelNews.Org, 12 July 2011 Joseph Fitsanakis Israeli intelligence services managed to stop dozens of European pro-Palestine activists from flying to Israel, by gathering open-source intelligence about them on social media sites, such as Facebook. According to Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor, intelligence gathered on Facebook formed the …

Lessons Learned on National Security Reform

Terrorists To Protest Organizers: Lessons Learned From The Demise Of bin Laden and The Future Of U.S. National Security Phi Beta Iota: Below the line is a very ably crafted press release from the Project for National Security Reform (PNSR) led by Jim Locher and Dennis Blair, long-time champions of inter-agency reform or “Beyond Goldwater-Nicols.”  This is a …

Nuclear/Climate Change: CLOSED 17 May 2011

ROLLING UPDATE from Beginning of Crisis SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/PBI-Japan-Update 16 May 2011 ALL:  Study: Seaports unready for climate change CANADA:  Climate change threatens arctic coastlines CHINA:  China’s Nuclear Arsenal: Status and Evolution EUROPE-SPAIN:  Spanish Quake Jolts European Nuclear Debate GERMANY-JAPAN-USA:  Nuclear Nations Turn To Natural Gas And Renewables INDIA:  Manmohan Singh takes stock of country’s …