Richard Stallman: Free Software Supporter Issue 55

Free Software Supporter Issue 55, October 2012 Welcome to the Free Software Supporter, the Free Software Foundation’s monthly news digest and action update — being read by you and 63,183 other activists. That’s 1,414 more than last month! View this issue online here: El Free Software Supporter estará disponible en castellano a partir de …

Search: open education / digital learning [as of 30 Oct 2012]

Open education has at least three components:  free access to learning resources; digital access to formerly analog learning resoources (e.g. instructors in classrooms); and learning accomplishment validation (becoming common) or credentialing (rare at this time).  More broadly defined, open education is “root” for any society desiring to be both democratic and prosperous.  Open education has …

Marcus Aurelius: General Failure — Neil Sheehan Reviews Thomas Rick’s New Book Plus Chapter Extract

An adapted excerpt from this book, cued to me by a friend, can be found as indicated below, followed by Neil Sheehan’s review of the book. General Failure Looking back on the troubled wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, many observers are content to lay blame on the Bush administration. But inept leadership by American generals …

Chuck Spinney – Cogent Analysis pf Arab Spring Seven Key Challenges Not Available from CIA or Department of State – Plus Personal Appeal for Contributions to Keep CounterPunch Going

Jeffrey St Claire, the editor at Counterpunch has given me permission to distribute the attached essay, “The Arab Spring at the Crossroads,” by  Esam Al-Amin.  It was published in the subscription edition of Counterpunch and is not available at the CP website.  Al-Amin, who I do not know, has written a very informative summary of …

Berto Jongman: Debka Alternative – Iranian Drone Big as a Helicopter, Captured Intact, Revealed Huge Gaps in Israeli Air Defenses

An alternative account. Israel & Iran at (Cyber) War  – How the “Beast of Kandahar” Was Looted by the “Mongrel of Tehran” Not quite an airplane, a helicopter or even a drone, the unmanned Iranian aerial vehicle that ambled into Israeli air space Saturday, Oct. 6 was one of oddest flying objects seen in international …

Michel Bauwens: The Third Wave: Peer-to-Peer Immaterial Expansion

Peer to peer and the feudal transition Executive Summary: First Wave: Extensive Development (Expansion across Space using Slaves) Second Wave: Intensive Development (Material Development Upgrading Slaves to Serfs) Third Wave:  P2P Development (Immaterial Developments Upgrading Serfs to Seers) 10 September 2012 In this thought capsule, inspired by the reading of the very stimulating book Deep …