Alexandria Bruce: John Roberts, Jeff Epstein and the Plot to Murder SCOTUS Justices

John Roberts, Jeff Epstein and the Plot to Murder SCOTUS Justices This video gives us some background about Chief Justice Roberts. It was posted on Telegram yesterday morning by superlawyer, Lin Wood in 8 parts, which I strung back together again, uploaded and transcribed, below. It’s an interview with a government whistleblower known as JohnHereToHelp …

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov: Martin Geddes Open Your Mind to Change – Recommendation & Supplementary Comments Plus Repeat of Steele Foreword

Martin Geddes: Open Your Mind to Change – A Guidebook to the Great Awakening source Observations by Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, January 20, 2021 My mind is like a squirrel that constantly runs up and down the tree of knowledge from the roots to the furthest branches and leaves without getting lost for a minute as …

Event: 25-29 January Free Live-Streaming Video The Greater Reset – Decentalized Freedom Centered on People in Community and Harmony with Earth Not Banks or Technology

Our World. Our Way. The Greater Reset Activation: January 25th – 29th, 2021 The Greater Reset is the world’s collective response to the World Economic Forum’s Initiative: The Great Reset. We offer an alternative to the WEF’s top-down, centralized, authoritarian vision. Our desire is to help all people find community and liberty by providing practical …

Martin Geddes: Real-Time Data and Monetization of Humans

Tip of the Hat to Zero Hedge for its post on real-time data but need to look deeper. Tightest OODA wins, all other things being equal. “Data” today fits the paradigm of disruptive innovation, which start small but often follows an S-curve of adoption and therefore influence and importance. The events of 2020 pushed “Data” …

The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today (Friday, Not Saturday)

Robert has a conflict and needs to be in DC Saturday. To allow for a relaxed full webinar, it will  take place today starting at noon Eastern time TODAY (Friday), for 90 Minutes and will be viewable in archive thereafter. Beginning next week, ONE question per person per week and NO questions on investments, personal …