Jon Rappoport: Who Hacked CBS Star’s Computers? Are We All In An Information Prison?

CBS News star hacked: the big chill Sharyl Atkisson is the one thing CBS News has going for it. She’s the real article. As real as you can be in the current news climate, while still working for a major media outlet.  She crashed the credibility of the CDC, as it was lying through …

Chuck Spinney: Syrian Use of Chemical Weapons? Bullshit. + Syria Regional Meta-RECAP

Pressure is mounting for the US to become involved in the Syrian civil war.  Advocates of intervention have all sorts of motives.  Once of the most attractive talking points from the perspective of the interventionists is the Syria’s alleged use of chemical weapons on its own people.  This short and well focused essay addresses that …

SchwartzReport: Religious Treason within US Military

This is what I mean by the Theocratic Right’s aggressive program to convert armed services personnel.  Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired United States Army colonel, and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. Wilkerson is an adjunct professor at the College of William & Mary where he teaches courses on …

Owl: Why Obama Will Survive Five Scandals, Persist on Syria, & Risk WWIII

The real story here is not whether Obama will survive five Watergate-type scandals, but it is rather about his response to scandals in his administration will lead to WWIII. Here are key take-aways from this first article: “In the last eight months, I have repeated the mantra that most of what drives this government today …

Marcus Aurelius: SECDEF on Furloughs — and No Answer to Question Why Not Contractors First….

Latest info from SECDEF on furloughs: a.  BLUF:  11 days, 1 day per week, starting 08 Jul and continuing through end FY13. b.  Appeared to waffle by providing non-answer to employee’s question as to whether mandated savings could be obtained by cutting contractors rather than direct-hire civil servants. c.  Never pinned blame where it belongs:  …

Sheila Casey: Photographic Essay on False Flag Theater — Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage + Boston False Flag Meta-RECAP

False flag theater: Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage  “Does a compelling description of a terrorist attack, replete with ‘eyewitness accounts’ of the terrifying scene, and official pronouncements, constitute an actual event?” – Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy.  By Sheila Casey (Special to Truth and Shadows) The mainstream media story of the Boston Marathon …

Theophillis Goodyear: The Warrior Destroyers Most of All Kill Hope — 14 Year Old Genius with Asperger’s Syndrome a Symbol of Hope

The Warrior Destroyers Most of All Kill Hope Jacob Barnett is a 14 year old physics prodigy who may be smarter than Einstein. He’s the youngest person ever to be published in the prestigious physics journal: “Physical Review A.” He hopes to build on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. He’s writing a book to help people …