Review: The Politics Industry – Political Innovation Can Break Partisan Gridlock and Save Our Democracy

3 Stars — A Crap Book with Zero Value There was a time when Michael Porter was moderately innovative and interesting.  No more. This is a crap book that totally mis-represents reality. Just as Robert Reich’s crap book blames the bankers without reference to the Deep State and the Red Mafiya/Zionist traitors, this book blames …

Yoda: Cosmic Wars and Multiple Timelines — 64 Timelines, in 14 of Them Cabal WINS

Alert Reader writes in: I knows there is a lot happening in the news right now (RBG passing, etc.), but I feel the need to pass on a few things I am learning from the Cosmic Agency series. In addition to watching the oldest videos first, I am also watching the new ones being uploaded. …