Berto Jongman: Internet Has Been Seized & Neutralized — Analysis and New Book “Digital Disconnect”

Digital Grab: Corporate Power Has Seized the Internet Norman Solomon Ethical Technology Posted: Jun 14, 2013 If your daily routine took you from one homegrown organic garden to another, bypassing vast fields choked with pesticides, you might feel pretty good about the current state of agriculture. If your daily routine takes you from one noncommercial …

Jon Rappoport: How Rockefeller Couped Nixon, and Every President Since Then Has Been Owned…

Flashback: Watergate, Nazis, Nixon, Rockefeller by Jon Rappoport May 15, 2013 Watergate eventually became the story of two young rookie reporters who exposed and took down a president. Try to think of another major story in your lifetime where the reporters themselves took center stage, and in the process nearly eclipsed their own work. …

Berto Jongman: Bee Apocalypse, Big Data Bah Humbug, C2O Hits 400ppm, Geography of Hate (US), Journalism Done Right, US Cyberwar “Strategy — Oops

Carbon dioxide levels hit historic high: Scientists warn pollution creating prehistoric climate as gases break 400 parts per million threshold for first time. Chemicals affecting entire food chains–bee apocalypse coming soon Geography of Hate: Interactive map of twitter texts with racist term Journalism Done Right — Is Terminal Cancer a Pre-Requisite for Empathy and Integrity …

SchwartzReport: Europe Saving the Bees — Corruption — and Good News

Will Smartglasses Replace Eyeglasses? PAUL MCDOUGALL – Salon This is coming, it reminds me of when mobile phones began. A few early adapters had phones in their cars, and carried around 10 lb over the shoulder cases for walking around. I had one in Miami, where my ship Seaview was homeported when in American waters, …