Ed Jewett: Joseph Farrell – IT’S OFFICIAL: ARECIBO RADIO TELESCOPE TO BE DEMOLISHED — Is US At War with China? Is There A Space War Also Going On?

IT’S OFFICIAL: ARECIBO RADIO TELESCOPE TO BE DEMOLISHED Joseph Farrell I’ve been entertaining the idea that there may be some sort of covert warfare going on between the USA and China, and that the floods in China, and the covid narrative, may be components of that warfare. So here’s today’s high octane speculation. What if …

Owl: What Acting SecDef Miller’s Special Ops Shift Means + Robert Steele Comments

SHORT URL THIS POST: https://tinyurl.com/Steele-SOF What Acting SecDef Miller’s Special Ops Shift Means The move “will put special operations command on par with the military services for the first time,” acting SecDef Chris Miller announced today The crux of the transformation will ensure that the top special operations official at the Pentagon can go directly …

Review: Surprise, Ill, Vanish – The Secret History of CIA Paramilitary Armies, Operators, and Assassins

3 Star Not Worth Reading In the past I might have given this book 4 stars despite its flaws, but my standards have  gone up (I demand holistic analytics and true cost economics now for 5 stars) and the author makes too many mistakes in areas where I have superior knowledge. Also new is the …

Penguin: CIA Cloud 2.0 — Right After Robert Steele Says Web 3.0 Will Be Cloud Free

CIA Awards Secret Multibillion-Dollar Cloud Contract The Central Intelligence Agency has awarded its long-awaited Commercial Cloud Enterprise, or C2E, contract to five companies—Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Google, Oracle and IBM. Phi Beta Iota: This is amusing in part because Robert David Steele, in his preliminary announcements about Web 3.0, has been saying that it will …

Robert Steele: Freeing Special Forces from Conventional Forces And Empowering Them with D3C and OSINT

Purge: Spec-Ops Command Now Equal to Other Military Branches & Reports Directly to Trump’s SecDef USDI has the right idea, but it is going to be a real challenge to free SOF not just from the conventional forces, but from the double-burden of all the embedded conventional uniformed and civilian “leaders” combined with all the …