Mike Adams: [James Fetzer] “The Most Dangerous Mind in America” interviewed about false flags and extreme censorship

“The Most Dangerous Mind in America” interviewed about false flags and extreme censorship Fetzer, who I’m now calling, “The Most Dangerous Mind in America,” is the author of a book that was literally banned by Amazon.com. Yes, the some e-commerce retailer that gladly sells books promoting Nazi fascism, deadly communism and weird sex indoctrination of …

Berto Jongman: S by SW Festival Gets It Wrong — Ignoring #GoogleGestapo Censorship, Manipulation, & Digital Assassination

They ignore the biggest threat of all. South by Southwest Festival Goes From Tech Back-Slapping to Brooding Introspection Lizette Chapman for Bloomberg Revelations around the use of Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc. and YouTube to spread misinformation, influence the U.S. presidential election in 2016 and recruit terrorists have prompted closer scrutiny of social networks and their responsibility to …

Jon Rappoport: Illiteracy Enables Censorship

Illiteracy leads to censorship In terms of substance, and even popularity, the ministers of truth are losing; so they abandon reasoned discourse altogether. They desert this fertile, competitive, and NECESSARY territory. They no longer debate. They ban. Among their supporters are crowds of illiterates.