AFIO Event: James Olsen To Catch a Spy & Seth Jones Covert Action Poland – Reagan and the CIA

FRIDAY 28 FEBRUARY 2020 Doubletree Hilton in Tysons LUNCH ($65) — Free great parking. To Catch a Spy: The Art of Counterintelligence and A Covert Action: Reagan, the CIA, and the Cold War Struggle in Poland featuring James Olson and Seth G. Jones Badge Pickup at 10:30 am; Jones at 11 a.m.; Lunch at noon; …

Robert Steele: Ranking Member Devin Nunes Triumphs, Puts It In Writing — Will GOP Retake the House Under His Moral Leadership?

I gave up on Congress ever being honest or useful some time ago, but the ethical and reasoned voice of Representative Devin Nunes is so inspiring that I dare hope that the GOP will retake the House in 2020, and the new Chairman will undertake intelligence reform — intelligence (and counterintelligence) reform most easily achieved …

Mongoose: Understanding Deep State / CIA Control of the Media — 50 Documented Points President of the United States of America Should Be Thinking About…

50 Facts Illustrating Mainstream Media’s Relationship With The US Government (CIA) EXTRACTS: Psychological operations in the form of journalism were perceived as necessary to influence and direct mass opinion, as well as elite perspectives. “[T]he President of the United States, the Secretary of State, Congressmen and even the Director of the CIA himself will read, …

Robert Steele @ Amazon: REINVENTING NATIONAL SECURITY — Grand Strategy, Global Reality, and the U.S. Army — Everything Our President Is Not Being Told

This book brings together three monographs on grand strategy, global reality, and re-inventing the U.S. Army as well as the rest of the Department of Defense — and in passing addressing needed changes in diplomacy, development, and intelligence, all of which are just as broken as the military. The U.S. military today is 50% waste, …