SPECIAL: Crap News Network (Erin Burnett) Celebrates America’s Greatest Active War Criminal (Eliot Abrams) While Fox Questions Trump’s Mental Health

In the 7 pm news tonight, Erin Burnett, an intelligent woman totally lacking in ethics, celebrated America’s greatest war criminal (still working — Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger are in the background pulling strings). She managed to get through an entire interview in sock puppet mode, without a single honest observation with respect to Elliot …

Robert Steele: Cracks in Official Narratives — Smerconish Threatens Guliani and GOP “You Go After Clinton’s Health, We’ll Go After 9/11 As An Inside Job”

I have just watched Michael Smerconish threaten Rudy Guliani and the Republican Party on CNN. It was, in one word, FASCINATING! Reading between the lines, Michael Smeronish has opened the door for a complete fracturing of the official two-party narrative that keeps 70% of the public disenfranchised and 99% of the public ill-informed and enslaved. …