Anthony Judge: Symbolic Relocation of United Nations HQ to Jerusalem Vicinity Revitalization of Middle East peace process enabled by US-Israel initiative

Symbolic Relocation of United Nations HQ to Jerusalem Vicinity Revitalization of Middle East peace process enabled by US-Israel initiative Introduction Moving the UN in the light of a US perspective Arguments for movement to other locations Arguments based on moving the UN HQ to the Baghdad Green Zone Earlier proposals for relocation Moving the United …

Johan Galtung: The Transcend Peace Record from 1958

It was my great honor to have lunch with Johan Galtung, the founder of the peace studies and peace practice (honored by all EXCEPT the Nobel Peace Prize Committee). Below the fold are extracts from the Transcend Peace Record — actual accomplishments of peace in the real world — since 1958.

Steven Aftergood: Congressional Research Service on The North Korean Nuclear Challenge – Military Options and Issues for Congress [Robert Steele: How President Trump Can Win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018]

A new report from the Congressional Research Service identifies and examines seven possible directions for US policy, none of them risk-free or altogether satisfactory: *    maintaining the military status quo *    enhanced containment and deterrence *    denying DPRK acquisition of delivery systems capable of threatening the US *    eliminating ICBM facilities and launch pads *   …

Amazon Kindle War for the 1% or Peace for the 99%?: Are the Deep State & Zionism Done For? (Trump Revolution Book 15)

This is a collection of very recent articles about war and peace rooted in the battle between Donald Trump and the Deep State, as published in the American Herald Tribune. 43 pages in length it offers four articles by the author and two interviews of the author with seven pages of endnotes, each endnote linked …