Worth a Look: Top Books on Integrity at Amazon

2009 Integrity: The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality For Cloud, an author, clinical psychologist and corporate consultant, integrity is more than just a person’s ethics and morals. The French and Latin meanings of the word hint at its origins, “that the whole thing is working well, undivided, integrated, intact and uncorrupted.” Achieving this …

Tom Atlee: Derivatives as Fatal Cancer Discussion and Links

http://tom-atlee.posterous.com/derivatives-challenge-citizenship-and-economi Short URL: http://post.ly/83Ojt Dear friends, I’m interested in derivatives as a symbol of an economic system that’s NOT based on productivity that satisfies real human needs.  Derivatives are contracts that shift risk from players who are risk averse (and want insurance against loss) to players who have an appetite for risk (and want a …

Chuck Spinney: Gar Alperovitz on Rise of the New Economy Movement

The Rise of the New Economy Movement By Gar Alperovitz, AlterNet, 23 May 12 s our political system sputters, a wave of innovative thinking and bold experimentation is quietly sweeping away outmoded economic models. In ‘New Economic Visions’, a special five-part AlterNet series edited by Economics Editor Lynn Parramore in partnership with political economist Gar Alperovitz …

2012 Reality Sandwich: How I Tested the Boundaries of the Two-Party Tyranny

How I Tested the Boundaries of the Two-Party Tyranny Robert David Steele Vivas Reality Sandwich, 24 May 2012 For six weeks in early 2012 I ran for the office of President of the United States of America.  I was accepted by the Reform Party (one of six accredited national parties completely shut out of the …

Patrick Meier: Stages of Resistance to Innovation — From Naval Gunfire to Blind Spys

From Gunfire at Sea to Maps of War: Profound Implications for Humanitarian Innovation MIT Professor Eric von Hippel is the author of Democratizing Innovation, a book I should have read when it was first published seven years ago. The purpose of this blog post, however, is to share some thoughts on “Gunfire at Sea: A Case Study …