Journal: Director of National Intelligence Alleges….

Strengthening Our Nation’s Front Line Of Defense By Dennis C. Blair Friday, December 18, 2009 Phi Beta Iota:  This is a seriously misleading article, our comments are provided after each paragraph. The legislation authorizing post-Sept. 11 intelligence reform — the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 — was signed into law five years …

IO Newsletter Volume 10 Number 4

Articles in this issue 1.         How Team of Geeks Cracked Spy Trade 2.         Civilization’s High Stakes Cyber-Struggle: Q&A Gen. Wesley Clark (ret.) 3.         Academy Explores Expanding Cyberwarfare Training 4.         Directive Number 9 5.         YouTube War: Fighting in a World of Cameras in Every Cell Phone and Photoshop on Every Computer 6.         Air Force ISR, EW …