Henry Makow: War is a Satanic Sacrifice

Memorial Day Celbrates Satanic Human Sacrifice Monday is Memorial Day in the US, dedicated to honoring the war dead. Cabalist (Masonic) central bankers follow a long-term plan to degrade and enslave humanity. This is what Communism is really about. They finance both sides of every war to make human sacrifices to their God Satan, to make money and extend their tyranny.  Illuminati …

Benjamin Fulford: Trump’s Clever Plans Continued — and a Break-Down of the Deep State Beligerents

Trump’s universal trade war declaration is bringing events to a head Full text posted with permission. U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration of trade war with just about everybody is really just a case of Trump negotiating a Chapter 11-style bankruptcy for the United States.  A kinder way of putting it would be to say that …

Dave Janda with Greg Hunter: Iran Nuclear Deal – Not Signed, $1.5B in Bribes to Obama & EU Leaders, Drugs Aspect — Trump is Setting the Stage for “Fix Big” Middle East Peace Deal

Iran Nuke Deal — Bribes, Treason and Fraud Dave Janda, host of the popular radio show called “Operation Freedom,” says the Iran nuclear deal (also known as the JCPOA) is an unsigned scam with huge implications of “treason and fraud.”  Janda says, besides the public not being told it was never signed by Iran, they …

Benjamin Fulford: Trump’s Secret Iran Plan (Very Very Clever)

Trump Iran sanctions aimed at forcing Middle East peace, Pentagon sources say The battle for the planet Earth has heated up again with major movements in the Middle East, Malaysia, Indonesia, Europe, the U.S., and elsewhere as a final showdown approaches between the Zionist fanatics who want World War 3 and the rest of humanity …

Jon Rappoport: How CIA Hid Their MKULTRA Mind-Control Program

How the CIA hid their MKULTRA mind-control program Back in the early 1990s, I interviewed John Marks, author of Search for the Manchurian Candidate. This was the book (1979) that helped expose the existence and range of the infamous CIA MKULTRA program. He told me that three important books had been written about MKULTRA, and …