Howard Rheingold: Infotention Skills + Citizen Intel RECAP

Infotention Skills: From Information Overload to Knowledge Navigation An immersive learning experience from the Institute for Social & Network Literacy 21st Century Information Fluency Self-guided Assessment and Tutorial Packages Phi Beta Iota:  US education, like the rest of government-dominated programs, is totally broken.  Apart from the 22% now unemployed, another 22% can expect to be …

Search: 21st Century

Actual results in reverse chronological order:  21st Century Human-selected best in class in alphabetical order below the line.

UN + Start-Up Seek to Get Poor Online with Cell Numbers

Startup Aims to Get the Poor Online With Phone Numbers By Stephen Lawson, IDG News U.K. startup Movirtu plans to help 3 million or more people in poor countries use mobile services by giving them personal phone numbers, not phones. Working with a U.N.-affiliated initiative called Business Call to Action (BCtA), Movirtu will offer the …