Journal: USG, IC, and Especially CT in a Shambles

January 7, 2010 Why? CounterTerrorism in Shambles By RAY McGOVERN and COLEEN ROWLEY On January 5, a blogger with the PBS’ NewsHour asked former CIA analyst Ray McGovern to respond to three questions regarding recent events involving the CIA, FBI, and the intelligence community in general Two other old intelligence hands were asked the identical questions, …

Worth a Look: Rahm Emanuel conducting pogroms within Obama administration and Democratic Party

Phi Beta Iota: This is a replay of a Wayne Madsen report.  Over lunch we checked with our most connected consultant and learned that this is roughly half right, with some of the specifics names and methods not right, but that over-all there is general consensus on three points:  Rahm is playing dirty “within and …

Journal: WIRED to IC–You’re Tired, Get Wired….

Pink Slips, Spyblogs, and More New Year’s Resolutions for the Intelligence Community By Michael Tanji January 4, 2010 Michael Tanji spent nearly 20 years in the US intelligence community. A veteran of the US Army, Michael has served in both strategic and tactical assignments worldwide, and has participated in national and international analysis and policy …