Rebecca Campbell: RT Nails It – Harvey Weinstein is America PBI: He is Also Zion Run Amuck…

Weinstein scandal: What it tells us about celebs, politics & Hollywood Michael McCaffrey, for RT It is difficult to admit, but if we mustered the courage to see ourselves as we truly are, we would recognize that Harvey Weinstein is America, and America is Harvey Weinstein. Both are bloated, entitled, corrupt, bombastic, blindly ambitious bullies, …

Mongoose: USS Liberty, USS Amberjack, LBJ, Israel

From a loyal citizen. 1967: USS Liberty attacked by submarine USS Amberjack – Crew member blows whistle Phi Beta Iota: Israel attacked the USS Liberty with the complete collaboration of President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who also collaborated with Israel in the assassination of President John F. Kenney? WHEN will America expel the Zionists? See Also: …

Rebecca Campbell: Is It Time to Question the Nation-State Model of Governance?

It’s Time to Question the Modern Nation-State Model of Governance Michael Krieger in Liberty Blizkreig I typically try to avoid news on Sundays, but I spent much of yesterday in complete awe of the extraordinary strength and fortitude of the Catalan people in the face of totalitarian violence from the Spanish state against citizens attempting …

Berto Jongman: Manufacturing Dissent, Digital Repression, Nonviolent Resistance….

Manufacturing Dissent: Modernization and the Surge of Nonviolent Resistance Phi Beta Iota: This is the opposite of how Cynthia McKinney and Robert Steele use the term. In their use, “Manufacturing Dissent” is a direct reference to #RESIST: Summer of Violence and the extended program of false flag events, sedition, and violence being promoted by George …