1997 Stephen E. Arnold (US) Technology Vectors 1998 and Beyond

Historic Contributions, Technologies
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

PLATINUM LIFETIME AWARD  Arnold, Mr. Stephen E. Arnold
For his constant demonstration of the utility of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) in the understanding of social networks, emerging technologies, and cultural realities.  As a world-renowned authority on information and communications, with a deep understanding of the public policy value of open source information, he has made himself available around the world, and had much more influence than most realize.  His publication of the book, The Google Legacy, is a mere milestone in one of the most distinguished information careers in the world.

Mr. Arnold has been the sole repeat speaker at OSS from 1997-2006.  He displaced In-Q-Tel when the particiapnts expressed a preference for only one technologies briefing.  He is one of the most gifted patent and primary (direct voice) researchers we have ever encountered.  His second book, Google- 2.0: The Calculating Predator, nails the future.  Below is his first presentation to the multinationla public intelligence network.

Technology Vectors
Technology Vectors