Review DVD John Adams (HBO Miniseries)

5 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Reviews (DVD Only)

DVD John AdamsRenters & Buyers Be Alert, October 4, 2008

Paul Giamatti

I rented, and learned that there are three separate disc in Blockbuster, AND a duplicate third disc so if you grab the four that are on display, you end up with three useful and one duplicate. I certainly hope that Best Buy and others are only selling a single disc, but thought to mention, renter or buyer, beware. There are seven parts in all. The first two (disc one) takes you up to his riding off to the first Congress. The second goes through Washington's being elected President, and the last features his own presidency, tragedies, the rise of his son John Quincy to be president himself, and his death, the last of two (Thomas Jefferson the other) to survive, both dying on the 4th of July 50 years after independence.

I was moved by this movie, and think ever more highly of Paul Giamatti for his acting. I received insights I did not have before, and while some may complain about the details, for myself, this was an extraordinary three hours or so watched over the course of three evenings.

In books, consider:
What Kind of Nation: Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, and the Epic Struggle to Create a United States
The Thirteen American Arguments: Enduring Debates That Define and Inspire Our Country

Review DVD: The Hawk Is Dying

5 Star, Culture, DVD - Light, Reviews (DVD Only), Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution
DVD Hawk
Amazon Page

5.0 out of 5 stars Ignore the lesser reviews–one of the most compelling films I have ever enjoyed

September 17, 2007

Paul Giamatti

This movie is truly extraordinary, and the principal actor, who also starred in Big Fat Liar (Full Screen Edition) combines brilliant acting with a very capably trained hawk to provide one of the most satisfying 90 minutes of “tuning out” that I have enjoyed in some time.

Sure, this movie has every corney bit from the special child to the sexed up teen-ager to the idiot father that ran, but it kept my complete interest throughout. The hawk, and the man, came of age together, the man found love, and the hawk soared.

This is a GREAT movie.

Some others featuring animals as wildlife that I have enjoyed:
Dances with Wolves (Widescreen Edition)
The Edge
Black Beauty
The Snow Walker
A Man Called Horse

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