Lt Chris Dorner, USNR (Honorable Discharge) is acquiring a fan club.
The 2nd half of this article below is about a a 1972 incident in New Orleans about another black, a vet, who loses it from constant injustice, and ends up killing a lot of cops and civilians before they get him. What amazes me is he has virtually no gun training, since he's Navy, yet he's an amazing shot, who himself avoids the bullets most of the time:
Blacks in the street cheered this guy as he's shooting at cops, and the author of this piece concludes, “Does anyone cheer Dorner”
Well, yes. Scroll down to last reply (I bolded most interesting text) – here's cut/paste:
I spent a night in jail once, for tubing on a lazy river with no life jacket. I told the park police to pound sand – and they went ballistic. Wannabee cops are much more dangerous than the real thing… as they never get to beat or shoot anyone.
My theory is that returning military should not be employed in police or prison work because the opportunity for licensed sadism is the magnet that draws these misfits to the jobs.
My night in jail was instructive. I was a 47 year old white professional mother of 3 – no police record, no booze, drugs, guns or history of violence.
But Colorado is bursting with former military looking for new and different ways to get paid to pillage the locals. DO NOT SPEED through any small hamlet in the Mountain State – it’s all about passing revenue and institutional para military mentality there… Ditto for Wyoming.
That said.. the prison guards were nasty bull dykes – just looking for an opportunity to rough somebody up. The entire experience changed my belief system.
So… anybody who fights back with guns and body armor… they have my vote. I just wish he’d gotten a few judges.
Too many dead dogs, imprisoned moms and children… the system has reached a tipping point… too many of us KNOW the goonies are more dangerous than the gangs and bank robbers.
I personally root for bank robbers… WF and BofA could use a good fleecing.”
You're right – there's a lot of angry people, treated very unjustly all their lives, who I think are or will root for Dorner.
Phi Beta Iota: In our view, Dorner is not a threat right now — he's gone to ground and will pop up later. What LAPD should be worrying about right now is “sons of Dorner,” some of them from out of state doing in and out shooting. Our advise to Barack Obama, who never hears from real people: grant an immediate pardon to Dorner, and convene a Truth & Reconciliation council focused on LAPD. Get it all on the table and put it to rest. Dorner walks — to include witness protection or protective (voluntary) extradition. There is absolutely no doubt in the public mind that Dorner is in the right, LAPD is in the wrong, and the sooner the President steps in, the fewer LAPD cops will become “collateral damage.”
See Also:
Chris Dorner: My Uncensored Manifesto
Owl: Mike Ruppert on WHY $1 Million is Offered for the Rogue Cop – Catalyst for West Coast Uprising?