Only four percent complete massive open online courses: setback or growing pains?
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have relatively few active users, and user engagement falls off dramatically, especially after the first one to two weeks weeks of a course. Ultimately, only a handful of users persist to the course end.
That's the gist of a recent study from a University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education (Penn GSE) study. The study's authors, Laura Perna and Alan Ruby, analyzed the movement of a million users through sixteen Coursera courses offered by the University of Pennsylvania from June 2012 to June 2013.
Phi Beta Iota: MOOCs are a classic example of industrial era thinking, trying to do the wrong thing righter. Despite the promulgation in the 1980's of the need for “just enough, just in time” everything, including education, the mental grasp of profits is still stuck in centralized big numbers rather than distributed big numbers. The open source agency, and the concept of education one cell call at a time as developed by the Earth Intelligence Network, remain the most affordable, scalable, and likely to succeed ideas. Both ideas suffer from two fatal challenges: first, they severely threaten hundreds of billions of dollars in fraud, waste, and abuse; and second, the “profit,” while vast, is not concentrated.
See Also:
Open Source Agency (OSA)
Open Source Manifesto
Public Intelligence 3.8
REVOLUTION Graphic & Refs
USA Reform Ideas
Way of the Truth
World Brain Game Plan & Logo