6 Stars — Balances All Lies by Existing Authorities – We Have a Need to Know!
I am not a scientist, I cannot comprehend mathematics, and I found much of this book too escoteric for a word by word reading.
Having said that, I am persuaded that the author, a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel and PhD with long experience in technical intelligence focused on the Soviet target, is sharing core knowledge on the intersection between biology and electromagnetics that we have a need to know.
QUOTE (1): Gravitobiology is the application of a unified field theory conception of electromagnetics (EM) and gravitation (G) to the total energetics exchanges (1) between a living organism and its external environment (interexchanges) and (2) inside the living organism and between, within, and among its parts and its whole (intra-exchanges).
Several things about this book impress me:
01 If Einstein was right and everything is energy, this this author is illuminating absolutely critical concerns with respect to how electromagnetic pollution translates into biological hazard.
02 His approach to energy, the vacuum, quantum everything, the soul, and the future of humanity is for me gripping.
03 He appears to document — certainly to my satisfaction if I were a program manage thinking about where to put the next billion — that the Soviets (today the Russians) are far ahead of us in this area, with the NOTEWORTHY observation that the Russians have DEFENSIVE capabilities that can defeat biological warfare as well as electromagnetic warfare attacks with there mature displine of “energetics.”
All of this is relevant to the fake pandemic (Bill Gates' coronavirus perhaps unleashed by the Zionists and the Germans and the French) and to the growing public realization that 5G and satellite microwaves produce radiation sickness and are both genocidal and econcidal.
I have the impression that the US has slmilar capabilities in its inventory but I am concerned that they are controlled by the Deep State (through the military-industrial complex) and are not responsive to a Presidential chain of command.
I own two of his other books that I will review over time: Excalibur Briefing Explaining Paranormal Phenomena: The interaction of mind and matter; and OBLIVION: America at the Brink.
On a positive note, completely apart from the fake pandemic (which could turn into a real pandemic if we allow the Zionists and the Germans and the French to spread actual malignant biological warfare samples), I have a sense that many forms of positive energy are convergent, and a generally optimistic view of our future.
2010 USAF PDF (42 Pages): Biotechnology Genetically Engineered Pathogens