Jacqueline Salit led the independent movement that elected Bloomberg mayor of New York City. She has gone on to create a nation-wide grass-roots movement with two thrusts: the Committee for a Unified Independent Party (CUIP), and as its primary objective, the enabling of Independent Voting, not only in the general election but in the primaries where this movement can credibly claim to have been the decisive factor in the marginal election of President Barack Obama (70% of the eligible voters did not vote for him–he won on a thin majority of those that did vote).
This “virtual” third party now claims 42% of all voters, a percentage that exceeds either of the two “main” parties. Some reports suggest that the number of independent voters, now including estranged Republicans and fearful Democrats, actually comes closer to 60%.
If you care about America, if you want to understand the possibilities in America, please watch this video. It is a foundation stone for the new house we must build, a house that does not distinguish between the mansion for Wall Street and the outhouse for the rest of us. See also the master website, and an independent blogger, Nancy Hanks.