Journal: Congress Welcomes Open Gay Military…

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Writing very carefully as a private citizen, IMHO, this is bad news for both the military Services and the Nation.  Congress has not served us well.  Nor, it appears, second below, will POTUS.

Congress Overturns Military Ban of Gays Serving Openly, Sends Bill to Obama's Desk

Published December 18, 2010 |

WASHINGTON — In a landmark vote, the Senate on Saturday ended the Clinton-era ban on gays serving openly in the military, marking a major triumph for President Obama, liberals and the gay community.

The final vote to end the Pentagon's 1993 “don't ask, don't tell” policy was 65-31, drawing support from eight Republicans.

The bill now goes to the White House for Obama's signature. He is expected to sign the bill into law next week, a senior White House aide told Fox News.

The White House Blog

The President on the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010: “An Historic Step”

Phi Beta Iota: An enlightened Administration would have done a much better job of Information Operations (IO) within the military and within society, and would not be ramming this change down everyone's throat for partisan gain as is so obvious.  This is, like WikiLeaks, a distractor from the fact that the Administration continues to endorse and protect the US fraud tri-fecta: mortgage clearinghouse fraud, Wall Street derivatives fraud, and Federal Reserve lending fraud.  Having said that, and being of a light green Marine persuasion holding dark green Marines in the deepest regard, the bottom line is that sexual inclination is genetic diversity in action–it is not a choice, it is a fact.  It has operational implications–but the reality is that there are thousands if not tens of thousands homosexual men and lesbian women now in service or retired–and on balance, as a generic collective, we across Phi Beta Iota see this as similar to the racial integration of the military in times past.  It's a fact of life, society needs to get a grip, the military can help. Gays and lesbians are if anything much more culturally astute than those that fear them, it is highly unlikely any one of them will over-step their bounds within the well-ordered military.

See Also:

Your Daily YouTube: US Soldiers Remake Lady Gaga’s “Telephone”

John McCain's ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Last Stand

Gates: Despite Senate Action, DADT Still The Law

Jason Linkins: “Don't Ask Don't Tell” Repeal: This Day Has Finally Come

Lady Gaga gets heads up from Reid on DADT repeal

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